







1. The Seas of Kyushu

The Island of Kyushu is surrounded by four seas: the East China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan and the Seto Inland Sea.
Kyushu also features some unique bodies of water, such as the masculine Genkai-Nada, the 200 meter-deep bay of Kinko-Wan and Ariake-Kai, Japan’s largest tideland.
In each sea, a variety of interesting creatures are adapting themselves to the environment.
You can say that Kyushu is a giant aquarium!
Here, our pools recreate the characteristics of the sea in each area.
Please enjoy another version of Kyushu by looking underwater!

2. Genkai-Nada

Extending across northwestern Fukuoka and Saga prefectures is Genkai-Nada, a relatively shallow sea with sandy beds and rocky shores. In winter, waves caused by strong winds from the North hit those rocky shores, creating rugged rock reefs.
An irregular current flows through these reefs, containing rich, nutritious food for small creatures. Large sea creatures appear to hunt for these small fish.
In this pool, you can observe how fish adapt themselves to the environment of Genkai-Nada. To keep themselves from being carried away by the waves, some fish stay side by side behind the rocks or at the bottom of the seabed. Meanwhile, other fish are swimming with the flow.

3. Kinko-Wan

Kinko-wan lies between the Satsuma and Osumi Peninsulas of Kagoshima Prefecture.
This bay was formed by two craters created by volcanoes which were inundated with sea water. In the center and at the end of the bay, its depth reaches more than 200 meters. In the center of this bay stands the active volcano of Sakura-Jima.
Thanks to the rare geographical features of Kinko-Wan, you can find very unique ecological creatures here.
On a steep underwater slope with a sudden drop of 100 meters from sea level, you can find a bush of long, thin coral called " Muchikaramatsu".
The whirling "Akaobi Hanadai", a large school of small fish with a beautiful red pattern, is an amazing sight only seen here.

4. Saikai

Nagasaki is the prefecture located at the westernmost end of Kyushu Island.
Possessing the most Islands in Japan, it comes in second for the length of its coastline as well as its complex geographical features. This is why Nagasaki is said to have the greatest variety of fish among all prefectures in Japan.
Between Sasebo and Saikai cities lies the Hario-Seto Strait, one of the three straits known throughout Japan for having the fastest tide.
With its current changing over time, the water shows various faces, creating many whirls.
Many sea creatures survive the rough tide in the tough underwater environment of this strait.
In this pool, you can observe how the fish of Nagasaki Prefecture"."'".'s Saikai Sea live and utilize the environment. Here you can find popular Japanese fish such as "Saba"Mackerel and Aji, or Horse Mackerel.

5. Ariake-Kai

As the largest bay on the Island of Kyushu, Ariake-Kai joins four Prefectures: Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki and Kumamoto.
With a difference of up to 6 meters between the high and low tides, its daily tidal range is the largest in Japan.
Therefore, the size of the tideland that appears during low tide is also the largest in Japan. This tideland features very fine soil, consisting of a clay seam formed by the eruptions of two volcanic mountains, Aso-san and Fugen-dake.
Since many rivers flow into Ariake-Kai, the salinity concentration among different areas in the bay fluctuates greatly. This unlikely environmental characteristic has created a variety of unique sea creatures, 23 species of which are only seen in this bay.

6. The Artificial fish reefs of Genkai-Nada

Due to the warm Tsushima Current, various fish land from Genkai-Nada sea throughout the year. It is especially well-known for its large catches of the Red Sea Bream called "Madai" and “Aka-amadai”, the Japanese Tilefish.
However, due to over-fishing resulting from fishery development and environmental destruction, marine resources are decreasing.
To prevent further drops in such resources, various strategies have been implemented.
One of these is the creation of Gyosho. This is the placement of artifacts in the sea to create an artificial fish reef, providing a living environment for sea creatures enabling the recovery of marine resources.
Made of various materials and shapes, Gyosho allow a variety of creatures to settle around them. Depending on the species, these creatures use this arrangement for many purposes such as hunting, hiding or breeding places.

7. Sea Turtles

All over the world, turtles reside in warm areas. As their name suggests, Sea Turtles spend most of their lives in the sea.
Other than landing on the beach to lay their eggs, they live underwater.
Compared to turtles living on land or in marshlands, their features have adapted to living in the sea. That's why their feet are shaped like fins and they have flat shells.
Five of the world's seven species of Sea Turtles visit Japan’s coastlines. Some also come to the coastlines of Kyushu, but only to beaches suitable for laying eggs.
It is our duty to keep these beaches clean and quiet so Sea Turtles can bear their children in a peaceful environment.

8. Aso, a Forest of Springs

Boasting over 1000 spring sources, Kumamoto Prefecture is known as the “land of water”. From Shirakawa, the most famous source, 60 tons of water spring out every minute!
Many tourists visit to admire and taste the beautiful clear water there.
Other major water sources such as the springs of Ikeyama and Yamabuki bring the benefits of Aso's nutrient-rich water as far as the bay of Beppu City in Oita Prefecture.
With a year-round temperature of about 14 degrees Celsius, residents depend on this clear water, not only for drinking and farming, but also to cool off in the hot summer.
This zone reproduces Aso's water source environment in Kumamoto Prefecture.
Feel how people can connect with nature in this relaxing atmosphere!

9. The Open Ocean Giant Pool

This giant pool displays sea creatures living in the ocean at the south of Kyushu Island, where the warm Kuroshio Current runs. The pool contains 20,000 fish of 60 species.
In this pool's upper layer, large fish such as sharks and bonitos move with speed.
To protect themselves from these large fish, small fish swim in a school.
At the bottom of the pool, you can find large rays hiding in the sand. You may also see other types of sharks that hunt by waiting for their prey to pass by.
Between the rocks, moray eels sticking out their heads may be seen.
Look in the dark caves to find nocturnal creatures, such as bullhead sharks, resting.
This giant pool is like a miniature cut-out of the ocean!
At each depth, please take a close look at how they live.

10. Kaiju Island

Marine mammals are called “Kaiju” in Japanese. Here on this Kaiju Island, mammals such as dolphins, sea lions and seals may be observed from different angles.
While dolphins are best suited to underwater life, sea lions and seals have the benefit of moving between both land and water with their fin-shaped feet. Although they are not mammals, you can also see the cute waddling figures of Cape Penguins from the African Continent.
By observing these animals from land and underwater, discover how they move at different speeds in each environment.
If you take a closer look, you may notice the various characters or behaviors of each animal.
Please watch, smell and listen to their way of life at our Kaiju Island Pool!

11. The Deep Sea

Oceans with a depth of 200 meters or more are called Deep Seas. In fact, 77 percent of the world's seas are over 3000 meters deep! That's why we can only know the surface of the wide ocean, and the creatures we are familiar with form only a part of underwater life.
In the Deep Sea, the water pressure is high and the temperature is low. This sea water also has less oxygen and fewer nutrients, so Deep Sea creatures must adapt themselves to such conditions by developing unique body structures or lifestyles.
There are many Deep Seas around The Japanese Islands. The deepest part of Suruga-Wan Bay in Shizuoka Prefecture measures 2500 meters! The bays of Sagami-Wan in Kanagawa Prefecture and Toyama-Wan in Toyama Prefecture reach depths of 1500 and 900 meters, respectively.
Since they are so different from what we usually see, Deep Sea creatures are attractive in their own mysterious way.

12. The Finless Porpoise

The finless porpoise known as ".'"Sunameri" is a small species of dolphin without a dorsal fin.
Their habitat ranges from the eastern coast of China to the sea around the Korean Peninsula and The Japanese Islands.
They live in coastal zones and do not go far offshore. That'."'s why, compared to other dolphins, they have larger pectoral fins and a smoother body that allows them more flexible movement. Unlike the dolphins in shows, they scarcely jump in the water.
Finless porpoises use ultrasonic waves to search for shrimp and crab living on the seabed. Once they find them, these porpoises catch their prey by squirting water from their mouths, blowing away the dirt and sand.
By utilizing this hunting technique, finless porpoises can be trained to do so-called “bubbling”, or blowing rings of air out of their mouths. Only a few species of dolphin can perform this trick!
Finless porpoises are very friendly, so they love to communicate with people behind the glass.

13. Jellyfish

Jellyfish can be found in the sea or in lakes all over the world. In fact, it is said that about 3000 species exist!
A number of jellyfish live around Kyushu Island, and depending on the season, you can find a variety of them. The reproduction of jellyfish is very complicated, but in general, they have periods of both asexual and sexual reproduction.
Let'."'s take Aurelia, the Moon Jellyfish, as an example.
A baby Aurelia born from its mother will reach out and cling to a rock. It will gradually change its shape to something like a sea anemone. Its body starts to grow taller, forming many horizontal joints. When the time comes, one by one, the body starts to peel off from each joint. Then they separate into small jellyfish that float away to grow bigger in the ocean.
Jellyfish are such mysterious creatures, but watching them floating in water can relax and heal us.

14. Amami Island Coral Reefs

Amami-Oshima is an island about 300 kilometers south of Kagoshima.
In the shallows of this island spread the beautiful world of coral reefs. At these reefs, you can admire the coral that grows so big and bright in the abundant sunshine.
You may also observe small fish of many colors swimming around them.
Do you know why the fish that swim in warm southern seas are so colorful?
Their colorful bodies are said to enable them to meet other fish of their species in the clear water.
In this area, Amami Island"."'s sea creatures are displayed to show different aspects of their lives.

15. Our Dolphin & Sea Lion Show

Enjoy watching our 'Dolphin & Sea Lion Show' with panoramic views of Fukuoka’s famous attractions and the spectacular bay of Hakata-Wan in front of you.
First, sea lions and their trainers use tools to perform comical shows. While watching their facial expressions and detailed movements, you can feel the sea lions breathing up close.
In the second show, you can enjoy lively dolphins working in concert with their trainers. The large show pool is 6 meters deep and 24 meters wide. From the bottom to the top of the pool, and from edge to edge, dolphins perform dynamic jumps right in front of you.
Their astonishing physical ability and adorable behavior are sure to fascinate you!

9:30-17:30 (入館は16:30まで)

